Jumat, 20 April 2012

New Apple iOS 5

Apple IOS, though only four years, has changed the way people connect, to buy and retain applications, collaborate, and much more. The engine that powers the popular Apple iPhone and iPad devices (and others), the fifth generation iOS introduced several important changes and enhancements. Here are the top 10 things you should know about the new Apple iOS 5.

1 Specifications
Fall 2011-release iOS 5 update works with a variety of current and old devices, tablets, and devices. iOS 5 is compatible with iPhone 3 g and iPhone 4. iOS 5 is also compatible with the third and fourth generation iPod Touch and iPad and iPad 2 original. There's no charge for the upgrade.

2. Free Devices
A common complaint before iOS 5 was that a team is required to use and maintain new Touch devices iPad, iPhone and iPod. Anyone. iOS 5 breaks down the cable and allows you to enable and configure new devices without the need to connect to a computer. In addition, with the support of the iCloud, iOS 5 devices can be automatically backed up without having to use a computer.

3.iCloud iOS
iCloud iOS supports 5 media applications, photos, music, settings, and other data is not lost if a device compatible with Apple disappears. Why iCloud stores data on the Web, files, settings and applications information, also bought earlier in a device that can be pushed to a replacement or other authorized device to your wireless network. Calendars, contacts and email eligible iCloud, which feeds the synchronization of wireless devices, too. iCloud to synchronize data with a PC, Windows users to exploit the iCloud 5 iOS iOS integration. And 5 GB of free storage space means that the price is good.

4 Email news
iOS 5 also introduces improvements to the email. The new iOS brings the support of Sangria, allows rich text formatting (bold, italic, and underlined) and you can still check your messages. iCloud, help at the same time, make sure the e-mail accounts remain synchronized across multiple devices. Mail importance continues to grow, improvements in iPhone and iPad platforms are a necessity.

5. iMessage
The simplicity and immediacy of SMS has fueled its meteoric popularity. You can also visit a grocery store neighborhood or airport without hearing other sounds the alarm text. Built in iOS 5 messages, characteristic iMessage improves the traditional messaging added support for sending photos, videos and contacts from users of iPod Touch and iPad. iMessaging includes Messaging support group that allows better communication and collaboration with the team. iMessage iMessage talks also synchronizes multiple devices.

6 Navigation Tabs
A seemingly minor, when innovation is entered in computers, tabbed browsing helps maintain several active websites in an instance of the browser. The role has become popular, especially as users have become more dependent on email on the Web and Web applications. iOS update Safari 5 browser compatible with iPhone and iPod touch iPad browsing tabs. This allows the website to multiple simultaneous sessions and greatly simplifies the process of switching between open pages.

7. Notices
A trade of iOS application providers tasks task list, and was raised in recent years. This is because Apple iOS is already an excellent job running natively or organizational tasks synchronization. Notifications is a new feature in iOS 5 that addresses this gap. With iCal, Outlook, and the integration of iCloud, more devices sync changes automatically. Even better, users can associate the dates and places as a troopship. As a result of productivity and efficiency, while a third unit implementation decreases or is eliminated completely.

8 AirPlay
Many users will find 5 new innovation AirPlay iOS an essential component of the new operating system. Others may not use ever. But who will the mirrored video feature interesting and practical improvement in the mobile operating system.
Radio broadcast wireless Presenter helps iPad 2 displaying information to an HDTV using Apple TV devices. Participants to see exactly what is on the presenter, iPad can replace slideshow completely portable or desktop systems in Conference rooms, classrooms, conference rooms and other areas of the presentation.

9. Leverage of Calendar
Task calendar receives impulse in iOS 5, too. iOS powered 5 calendars synchronized now iCloud technology of Apple devices. In addition, iPad users can see views of the calendar year, while users of iPhone and iPod Touch can show a weekly view of your calendar options that were not available previously. Individual calendars can now be added and edited directly from the keys of the iPhone, iPads and iPod iOS-powered 5. Perhaps more importantly, however, is the fact that the calendar Assistant are now visible in iOS 5 compatible devices without changing the application.

10 Center of Notification
IPhone and iPad, use has increased in enterprises and users are responsible for a true of applications of these devices, mobile users sometimes feel they are being attacked by the number of updates, new mail alert to read SMS and other notifications.
Before iOS 5 different updates, all living in different places and at times proved distracting. iOS 5 users can take advantage of the new notification Center to select notifications to receive. And achieve associated as a popular feature introduced with Microsoft Outlook 2003, new notifications appear briefly (in this case in the Middle top of the screen), before dropping out of sight. Submission of notifications of these messages is less annoying and do not require switching applications, but still communicates the same information quickly.

New version for the iPad 3 confirmed, Apple, the platform of the next generation will follow his predecessors in the price

The three announced the price of the Apple tablet of the third generation.
Details of Apple iPad 3

Originally appeared in position around the iPad 2, and by far the rumor ends recording specifications for the latest offering from the company Tablet, Apple introduced the iPhone an iPhone Esque s March 4 retina display with 9, 7 inch screen with a 1536p resolution and stunning x 2048 pixels profit of 264 DPI.

Through the development of new trays impressive specifications, Apple revealed the iPhone with three dual-core processors with a graphics chip GPU cores A5X land. Improve the possibilities of the camera of the pill, the iPad 3 houses a video recording capability iSight camera with Full HD 1080p video noise reduction standard features stabilizing the situation.

Although the company has no active voice exclusive iPhone 4 s assistant Siri not made the leap to the iPad 3, the Tablet PC functionality allows users to host dictates letters to transcribe in full. For us tablet users will also host connectivity options of play 4 G LTE.

Fill a series of rumors, land iPad about 3 mm thicker than its predecessor, the tail is 9.4 mm thick and weighing 1.4 kg (635 g).

Apple iPad 3 awards

Suggesting that the inclusion of a 9.7-inch screen of the retina that leads field compressed as much as 50 pounds would be more expensive to follow than its predecessor, Despite a series of pre-release rumors, Apple has officially unveiled last week once dominant lead iPad 2 would set prices.

Kick-off that the 16 GB Wi-Fi only model that studied the tablet, the SOI is the third generation with £ 399 with people who need 32 or 64 GB of internal memory and the investment is 479 pounds or 559 kilos.

On the front + 3 G wireless will be part iPad 3 possible owners, access to the site with £ 499, £ 579 or £ 659 depending on your choice of 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB of storage options.

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Gadget and Tablet : Newest Trend

All Information about Gadgets and Tablets, New Trend

to be continued